All who are Able, As you are Able, When you are Able.

So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” Matt 20:16

The Gospel teaches us that those who have means have a responsibility to look after those who are vulnerable.
Our congregation exists to help the gifts we can give, find its way to those in need of it.
By partnering with and supporting groups like JUMP and the Good News Garage we look to lift up those who find themselves vulnerable in these tough times. By partnering with other faith organizations and advocates like Vermont Interfaith Action, we work to give voice to those society chooses not to listen to.

Our congregation accepts money donations, but we also value donations of your time. We ask all who are ABLE to give AS they are able because we know in these times we are not ALWAYS able to give, even to a good cause.

CLICK HERE to review the full policy.


Options for Making Financial Contributions to Ascension Lutheran Church can be viewed HERE.